Please Be informed That we don’t Host any of these videos embedded here. All videos found on our site are found freely available around the web on sites such as YouTube, Dailymotion or Rutube, Our mission here, is to give visitors all information possible about their fovorit animes or cartoons, organize those episodes if freely and legally available on internet.
We simply link to the video that is already hosted on other web sites. If you are concerned about copyrighted material appearing in this website,
we suggest that you contact the web site that is hosting the video and have it removed from there. Once the content is removed from the website hosting your content,
it will automatically be removed from animeyoyo.com We are not affiliated nor claim to be affiliated with any of the owners of videos/streams played on our site.
All content is copyright of their respective owners. We urge all copyright owners, to recognize that links contained within this site are located somewhere else on the web. The embedded link points to the location of the video on the web.
Please direct all copyright infringement issues to the companies that host these files (Youtube, DailyMotion, Rutube, Ustream.tv etc.).
It is our policy to respond to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement. This page outlines the information required to submit these notices and allows online submission for the fastest response
No copyright infringement is intended nor implied
animeyoyo.com simply acts as a search engine, is not responsible for the content of external websites. Please ensure before sending an A/V removal request that the media in question is actually hosted by animeyoyo.com. All the video content found on animeyoyo.com is not hosted on our servers nor is created or uploaded by us.
The most effective way of protecting your rights is to seek removal from the host that is responsible for the content. This in turn, will remove the content from animeyoyo.com and any other search engines that may have indexed the content.
Streams Widget
We do not host or upload any streams. We are not responsible for the accuracy, compliance, copyright, legality, decency, or any other aspect of the content of such streams. We only contain links to other websites on the Internet. If you have any legal issues please contact the appropriate media file owners / hosters or links provider.
By visiting/using this web site you hereby agree and understand that all channels on this site contain embedded live streams and links to original uploader.
These streams come from freely available web sites on the web such as Imdb.com, Justwatch.com, Youtube.com and others alike. This means that Sport.Net does NOT host, copies, distributes and/or sells any copyrighted content this web site may display.
We are not affiliated nor claims to be affiliated with any of the owners of streams featured on this site. All content is copyright of their respective owners.
We would like to urge all copyright owners to recognize that streams contained within this site are hosted and located outside of this web site’s domain name/servers Animeyoyo.com. Please direct all DMCA claims to the precise web site hosting these streams (Imdb.com, Justwatch.com, Youtube.com, etc.). We would like to thank you for your attention and understanding of this subject.
تـنـبـيه ! موقعنا لا يبث اي قناة على سيرفرتنا هذه القنوات من سيرفرات اخرى اذ كان عندك مشكلة نرجو الاتصال بالسيرفر المستضيف للقنوات
animeyoyo.com may use external images. The images on this website are build by Us, or gathered/extracted automatically from videos which we collect from youtube, dailymotion and similar sites. We do not take credit for any of the images on our website. We give credit to the creator where ever applicable.
All products, images, logos and contents on this website are the property of their respective owners.
Contacting Us
Report Abuse Link We take abuse of our service very seriously. If you wish to report a copyright infringement, we need you to send us a proper notification. A proper notification MUST have at least the following information, or it may be IGNORED:
1: Identify yourself as either:
a: The owner of a copyrighted work(s), or
b: A person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
2: State your contact information, including your TRUE NAME, street address, telephone number, and email address.
3: Identify the copyrighted work that you believe is being infringed, or if a large number of works are appearing at a single website, a representative list of the works.
4: Identify the material that you claim is infringing your copyrighted work, to which you are requesting that EmbedUpload disable access over the World Wide Web.
5: Identify the material by its URL(s).
6: State that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agents, or the law.
7: State that the information in the notice is accurate, under penalty of perjury.
When a Proper DMCA notification is received , or when animeyoyo.com becomes otherwise aware that copyright rights are infringed, it will remove or disable access to infringing materials as soon as possible.(Up to three business days) You don’t need to wait confirmation from us about this action.
Send notifications to HERE and please put “COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT” in subject of email to process faster .
Please note that we do not host any files on our server. We only act as a conduit for users to upload files to multiple hosting sites. As such, you should be aware that we cannot delete files on other file hosts such as youtube, dailymotion, drive.google.com etc. You must contact these hosts in order to get the specific file deleted from their servers.